JDF Vessel Named in Honor of National Hero Marcus Garvey

KINGSTON, Jamaica – A Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) has been named in honour of national hero Marcus Garvey.

garveymThe vessel, His Majesty King Charles Jamaican Ship Marcus Garvey was commissioned into service on Tuesday.

According to Prime Minister Andrew Holness the naming of the vessel in honour of Garvey, is indicative of his legacy and philosophy of self reliance.

Speaking at the ceremony, Holness highlighted the significance of the event being held at the time when Jamaica celebrates emancipation and independence.

“Against the backdrop of our independence it is particularly fitting that this vessel is named in honour of the Right Excellent Marcus Garvey, Born in St. Ann’s Bay on August 17, 1887, Garvey’s life was marked by a keen awareness of the injustice faced by people of African descent. He later founded the Universal  Negro Improve,ent  Association in 1914……five years later he established the Black Star Liner, intended to forge a link, between North America and Africa. Through these visionary initiatives he promoted black, social and economic ,” Holness said.

The Prime Minister added that  Garvey’s teaching resonates with the government’s move towards full economic and political independence.

“Throughout his activism, Marcus Garvey frequently used the phrase, One God, One Aim,One Destiny, emphasizing that to chart our own path, we must rely on helping ourselves, rather than depending on others. His teachings of self determination)n and self reliance resonates profound;y with our ongoing efforts to strengthen. Our institutions and empower our people and to continue Jamaica’s march towards economic and fill political independence…..”

He noted that the vessel symbolizes the country being guided by Garvey’s legacy.